Österreich ist der Heimatsmarkt der RELAX Natürlich Wohnen GmbH. Alle Informationen finden Sie auf dieser Website.
Finden Sie Ihre Schlafexperten ganz in Ihrer Nähe und vereinbaren Sie einen Termin für Ihre persönliche Schlafberatung.
Finden Sie hier die für Sie passende Kombination bestehend aus Bettsystem, Matratze, Kissen und Auflage.
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The Relax 2000 sleep system helps you to sleep better and thus supports your health and well-being.
Relax 2000 sleeping systemTo sleep as comfortably as possible, we recommend that you combine our RELAX bed system with the right mattress.
MattressMattress toppers absorb sweat and breathing air every night, which promotes sleeping healthy.
Mattress toppersRelax offers a variety of high-quality pillows, which help you sleeping better.
ergonomic pillowsWe, RELAX®, are convinced that a good night's sleep and nature belong together. That's the reason why we only produce products, which are in harmony with the environment. Your bedroom will be a place of relaxation, which will satisfy your need for healthy sleep. For the production of our bed systems, solid wood beds and mattresses we only use natural materials, like for example natural latex, to make you permanently sleep better. This applies also to our duvets and to our pillows, which are sustainably manufactured. It is important to us that all Relax products support the human body and that they help prevent backache, sleep disorders and lack of sleep on the long run.
Our RELAX® products help you to find the right sleeping position, since our bed systems as well as our solid wood beds comply with ergonomic principles. The RELAX® bed system adapts perfectly to your body and to your spine to provide back pain relief, which improves your sleep in general. Also our mattresses, pillows and duvets are exclusively made out of natural materials to fully satisfy your need for a good night's sleep. We offer natural, high-quality products to ensure that you sleep permanently healthy - see for yourself!
The Relax 2000 is our flagship product among our bed systems - thanks to the special innerspring system and the wooden plates, you will feel like you are in seventh heaven. Our bed systems meet your needs by perfectly adapting to your body shape. This means that the right regions of your body are supported; and pain - for example in the back - will soon be a thing of the past. So you will sleep better in the long run. Since we only use wooden joints instead of metal nails and screws, your bedroom becomes increasingly metal-free, which has a positive impact on your sleep as well.
To ensure that you permanently sleep better, not only the bed system is important but also the right mattress. Our RELAX® mattresses adapt to all regions of the body, which comfortably supports the back. Thus, backache and lack of sleep will be prevented. Our mattresses maximize comfort and you will permanently sleep better. Additionally, they are exclusively made of natural and sustainable material like natural latex, which only has an positive impact on body and sleep. This also applies to our accessories like mattress protectors, duvets, and pillows. Your bedroom should be as natural as possible to ensure that you sleep healthy. We would like to invite you to test our products and to convince yourself of our mattresses' quality. For us, it is a pleasure to satisfy your individual needs.
You will sleep especially well in the solid wood beds from RELAX®, because they are exclusively made out of natural raw materials and completely metal-free. We strongly recommend you to sleep in a bed made of arolla pine, since arolla pine can have a favourable impact on your health and on your heart rate variability. Not only will your bedroom smell pleasantly, your need for healthy sleep will be satisfied and you will sleep better on the long run. Our solid wood beds help prevent sleep disorders and lack of sleep. To permanently optimise your sleep quality, it would be advisable to combine our solid wood beds with a Relax bed system and a natural mattress.
Our natural products have an exclusively positive effect on your body and sleep and they will satisfy your need for a good night's rest. A RELAX® bed system in combination with one of our natural mattresses, which perfectly adapt to your body, are the key factors for healthy sleep. We strongly recommend that you combine these products with a solid wood bed, to permanently sleep healthy and without backache. To fully optimise your sleep quality, you should further think about the right pillow and duvet. RELAX® offers everything for a healthy and sustainable bedroom.
Österreich ist der Heimatsmarkt der RELAX Natürlich Wohnen GmbH. Alle Informationen finden Sie auf dieser Website.
Deutschland zählt neben Österreich und der Schweiz zur DACH-Region. Alle Informationen finden Sie auf dieser Website.
Die Schweiz zählt neben Österreich und Deutschland zur DACH-Region. Alle Informationen finden Sie auf dieser Website.
Wenn Sie aus Südtirol kommen und Informationen zu den Relax Produkten wünschen, finden Sie diese auf dieser Website.
Se volete informazioni sui prodotti Ralex in italiano, si prega di visitare il sito del nostro partner in Italia.
Route de Herbesthal 281
B-4700 Eupen
Tél. :+32 (0) 87 301 201
Herzborn 4, Emmels
B – 4780 St.Vith
Tel.: 0032 / 80 226 413
Z.A.E.R. Op der Héi, 29
Tel.: 00 352 26 91 121
Bastnicherstrooss 24
Tel.: +352 26 95 01 10
Alle Informationen zu RELAX USA finden Sie auf der folgenden Website
Alle Informationen zu RELAX Canada finden Sie auf der folgenden Website
Kopfhaupt 2 Paneele mit Waldkante
Kopfhaupt mit Waldkante
Kopfhaupt asymmetrisch
Kopfhaupt mit Zierfräsung
Zirbe roh
Zirbe geölt & gewachst
Zirbe Weißöl
Relax-Kiefer roh
alpenl. Relax-Kiefer
geölt & gewachst
geölt & gewachst
geölt & gewachst
geölt & gewachst
geölt & gewachst
geölt & gewachst
Wildeiche geölt & gewachst
Kirsche geölt & gewachst